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Fotografin Edith Walzl

Cover Brochure. Opulent gold frame with black/white portrait in center. Large title font on top and bottom. Double page. Opulent golden frame with b/w photo on each page. Double page. Several opulent golden frames with b/w portraits. A voucher is clipped on top of the right page. Back brochure. Massive wooden frame with b/w portrait over whole area.
3 desktop browser windows with screenshot of home and subsites.

Finding a visual representation for a photographer who sees herself as an artisan. To create a handicraft look by telling a lifestory in pictures.

Für eine Fotografin, die sich als Hand­werkerin sieht, einen visuellen Auftritt finden. Eine Geschichte über das Leben erzählt mit der Sprache der Fotografie.

Concept, design: Manfred Veigl
Webdesign, code: Gerald Baumgartner
Photos: Edith Walzl

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