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sprache der strasse

Cover catalogue. B/W illustration of city at night. Title in script font overlayed. Double page. One blurry photo on each page with little text at bottom. Left: Man behind counter in an old tool store. Right: Man in behind display case in a butcher's. Double page. One blurry photo on each page. Line of small Text top left page. Left: White room with blue floor. Large letters on the floor forming part of a sentence. Right: White room with blue floor. Door in the back. Large letters on the floor forming part of a sentence. Double page. B/W photo of tattoed and pierced man on each page. Little text at bottom. Back catalogue. B/W illustration of city at night.

A scientific report which deals with the decline and the possibilities of revitalization of former successful Viennese shopping streets. The design should show the actual and the immediate benefit of those thoughts.

Ein wissen­schaftlicher Bericht der sich mit dem Nieder­gang und den Revitali­sierungs­möglich­keiten von ehemals gut funk­tionier­enden Wiener Einkaufs­strassen befasste. Die Gestaltung sollte die Aktualität und den unmittel­baren Nutzen dieser Gedanken verdeut­lichen.

Design: Manfred Veigl

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