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Walter Niedermayr – Reservate des Augenblicks

Cover book. Full-page photo showing group of persons in the snowy mountains. Beside them many skis put into th snow. Name overlayed at top. Title in 2 languages overlayed at bottom. Double page. Grid of same sized photos over 2 pages. Far distance shots. Persons skiing in snowy mountains. Double page. Left 1 and right 2 same sized photos. Far distance shots. Not fully snow-covered ski slopes. Double page. Grid of same sized photos over 2 pages. Far distance shots. Rock surfaces of mountains. Double page. Large similar photo on each page. Skiing slope in the mountains. Group of kids skiing one after each other.

A long processed and carefully placed book-production which should bring the artist's work to the foreground. The silent but strong statement of his work shouldn't be disturbed by our design.

Eine Buch­produktion die, lang geschliffen und sorg­fältig plaziert, die Arbeit des Künstlers in den Vordergrund rückt. Unsere Gestaltung sollte die Brisanz der Arbeiten nicht durch zuviel Design verwässern.

Design: Manfred Veigl, Georg Wagenhuber

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