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Franz Übelhör

Poster showing arrangement of all tools from violin maker's workshop. Several postcards with photos of instruments and tools. Logo is incorporated.
Desktop and mobile browser window with screenshot of home.
Concept for window installation at the violin maker's workshop (Artwork by Lym Moreno)

Communicating the several hundred years old tradition of instrument making without any pathos. To strengthen the trade with newly built instruments against the mythically marked trade with old instruments.

Die Erzählung der jahrhunderte alten Tradition des Instrumenten­baus ohne Pathos. Die Stärkung des Handels mit Neubau­instrumenten im Gegensatz zu einen mythen­behafteten Handel mit alten Instrumenten.

Concept, design: Manfred Veigl
Webdesign, code: Gerald Baumgartner
Photos: Rudi Übelhör, Franz Übelhör

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